Project: Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive

- OpenOpen
Launched in 2006 by Anna Lillios, Mark L. Kamrath, and J.D. Applen, the Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive has two goals. Its primary purpose is to provide an academic site that will provide a repository of biographical, historical, critical, and other contextual materials related to Hurston’s life and work. The site also seeks to make available various teaching resources so that both teachers and students can more fully appreciate the cultural and literary richness of Hurston’s numerous writings. With time and funding, we hope to also develop a digital edition of Hurston’s writings.
A secondary goal of the site is to work closely with the city of Eatonville, Florida, The Association to Preserve the Eatonville Community, and other interested parties in documenting Hurston’s accomplishments both as a regional ethnographer and anthropologist and one of the world’s most talented African–American women writers.
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